Late August lament for the loss of summertime. The rapid fade into autumn. There’s dew on my windshield in the morning, and a slight chill in the air at dusk. Swimsuits become sweatshirts. Sandals become shoes. On the roads, there’s more traffic. School’s in session, but I’m not ready to accept it.
Here’s a weird piece I found from 1992, something from the Tustin News about graduation day, just a long list of students, including myself, Nicholas Gustavson, and the various programs etc. Amazing to see some database is keeping these old newspapers around. I found out the Tustin News was purchased by OC Register back in 1995, and folded into the paper sometime after that as a local insert. It’s still alive though!
Looks like there’s a new TV Series called “Godless” coming out in 2017, described as a Western set in the 1880s. The script is apparently secret, but there’s a character named “Nicholas Gustavson” played by Shawn-Caulin Young, who will appear in two episodes. Nicholas Gustavson, if you remember, is my famous namesake. Back on September7, 1876, he was a recent Swedish immigrant who was gunned down by the Jesse James’ outfit, the James-Younger Gang during a bank robbery in Northfield, Minnesota.
If you haven’t read it yet, you can still check out new new story “Naughty Maggie” in the Easy Reader.