Patterns wins honorable mention in Exposition Review (formerly Southern California Review)
I’m pleased to announce my new flash piece “Patterns” won an honorable mention in Exposition Review’s inaugural Flash 405 Contest, and they’ve published it on their website. My heartfelt thanks to Abigail Mitchell and all the staff at SCR for the long hours they put in reading all the entries. I’m honored to have my…
Vote for my entry in Writer’s Digest Your Story Contest
I’m pleased to announce my entry “Montauk Ranch” is a finalist in the latest Writer’s Digest Your Story Contest. The contest is looking for the best opening sentence to a story based on this photo. Please help me out by voting for my entry, either by clicking here and leaving a comment, or emailing “Entry…
I Didn’t Make the Paper for Sports
I never made the local papers for high school sports. I played Frosh Soph football but I didn’t try out for varsity and I didn’t really care. Strange that years later I would replay some of my actions on the field, wondering what would have happened had I tackled that speedy tailback — the one…
Find me on Twitter @nicktgustavson
So I finally joined twitter. You can find me on twitter at @nicktgustavson I wonder if this medium will survive the trouble under the hood with a CEO departure and the problems with morale. Twitter certainly isn’t moribund. Perhaps by creating my account, I will turn the tide and swell the ranks of new users.…